Cancer Cure Medicine - Why Some Of Us Get Better And Some Of Us Don't

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 26, 2011

cancer cure medicine has been around for a long time in various forms. Most people have heard about the most common treatment is chemotherapy, but have you heard about the others? Can not find it strange that some people can make their illness only to disappear without your doctor being able to explain?

of various types of cancer is a medicinal product around for a long time now, as most of us have heard, but usually do not associate it with the healing of disease. With so many documented cases around over the years, it has been proven beyond all doubt that when used correctly it works, but we do not usually think of it as an option when we are struck with cancer.

You May Ask "why most people fail to consider alternative options when it comes to cure cancer cure?" Do you know how much money big pharmaceutical companies from their medication to cure cancer? Do you know how much money the government makes it all? It is a lot. Maybe, just maybe, it is possible that you are presented with all options for that reason.

for a long time now, lots and lots of people in documented cases, were completely cured of cancer, using nothing more than their own mind in order to heal. Let me explain. Without getting too technical, you have a conscious mind and subconscious. Your subconscious mind is blindly accepting whatever your conscious mind is saying. Your subconscious mind is very powerful. It can do just about anything, including ridding your body of cancer. You only need your conscious mind to believe it can happen and it will tell your subconscious mind to, and you will be healed. This is the best cure cancer cure anyone could ask for.

Now making your conscious mind believes that this can happen is really the key to it all. It takes a little time and patience, but the reprogramming your subconscious mind can absolutely true. You just have to want it to happen and take the appropriate steps to retrain him. Once you achieve retraining the mind, your subconscious mind will be a cancer cure medicine, and anything else you want to be.

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Cancer Is the Symptom of Something Much Deeper - An Alternative Cancer Cure

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cancer is a disease that touches on one of the five ljudi.Tajne disease seems to evade even the most oncologists. However, there are alternative cancer cures. Cancer can be cured by changing the mode of life in such a way that you begin to live "in the fight against cancer" lifestyle. I developed the "cancer diet" consisting of a cancer-fighting foods that can be found on store shelves. Our bodies are miraculous recovery sposobnosti.Lijek miracle cancer occurs "when your mind, body and spirit working in 'sync' with one another." Changing the food is not the only change you need to do. "Thoughts are things" and that "their own thoughts on the disease." Because they "own thoughts on the disease," the logical progression of thought suggests that you "think for yourself in wellness." This is not an easy concept to grasp at first, but when you take the time to think about alternative cancer treatment and alternative cancer therapy a new realization occurs. Many times the simplest solution is the best solution.

Before I had cancer I was an international fashion designer, television show on the Home Shopping Network and the Shopping Channel in Canada. I had several companies, and life seemed to be successful.

I was engaged to be married to my business partner. While on a business trip in China, I tried to call the house my fiance. Call it women's intuition, but I had a very bad feeling. My feeling was justified. I got a call on my cell phone while in China from the sheriff in my hometown for me to say that my fiance had died of a heart attack.

That news shook me to the core of its existence, after I stopped screaming for hours.

I flew home to collect the body only to find out my fiance had another life that did not include me. He was homosexual, bisexual actually. He died before he could hide evidence of his second life. It was September 2005. I had a double shock, the shock of his death, a shock of reality that life is not to include me.

I was emotionally a mess filled with a combination of anger, rage and grief. I hid the truth from his family and friends, because I wanted to be buried with honor. My prayers for a happy marriage with family and friends said, but not as much as I expected.

have been released on what was supposed to be the happiest time of my life. My wedding

within two years of my partner's death, in May 2007 I was diagnosed with cancer grla.Liječnici were confused, because I was not a typical profile of the person who gets the disease.

I went to the University of Virginia, if the Chemo and radiation treatment of cancer. I almost died from the treatment of this type of cure for cancer. I lost 60 pounds, but the cancer was in remission.

With her immune system down, I got an amoeba in my eye that ate the cornea and blood vessels, and I had a heart attack. I recovered from both diseases.

Within two years, as the cancer returned.

This time the doctors wanted to do surgery. They felt that chemotherapy and radiation did not work. This time will make the "rescue operation" which involved the removal of part of my jaw, part of my throat, part of the language, to replace my neck arteries with arteries from my right hand, take a piece of skin from my left shoulder that flap in the throat, insert the tracheotomy, a stomach tube for the rest of my life.

I refused to "rescue operation ".

I turned to alternative therapies for cancer to find a new cancer cure. I read where the body has the power to heal itself. This is where I started.

I went to a naturopathic doctor and began the regime of herbs and vitamins, combined with fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and fish.

I began reading everything I could find a miracle cancer cure, treatment, alternative cancer treatment, self-healing, natural cancer cures, alternative medicine, holistic cancer cure, meditation, visualization techniques and Reiki therapy. Believe me, it's a lot of work. On the other hand, what is my alternative?

I had no choice but to take the road less traveled. I came to what I called an intuitive healer "Crossroads" of my healing. I came to the end of what I would accept a standard medical procedures. I had throat cancer three top experts in the country, basically telling me the same diagnosis. "Salvage surgery" is not an option that will allow for them. In addition, my inner self told me to "go deeper ."

intuitive healer helped me to find that the shock of the death of my fiance and childhood trauma are related because of my illness. It helped me to get rid of the fact that I was released. She showed me how our emotions affect our body, mind and soul, and I had to love and forget the past. I learned that cancer is just a symptom of something much deeper.

with an intuitive healer extensive experience in working with cancer patients for more than twenty years and her Reiki training, her intuition and wisdom around you when you're with her. She explains that "Life is like a bow and" peel one layer at a time. I do not have cancer anymore.

I had the miracle of certain cancers. There were many angels sent me to heal when conventional medicine has all but given up on me. I hope to be an angel sent to you. Never forget the power of God.

Copyright 2010 Carol E. Patterson. All rights reserved.

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Can A Certain Alternative Cancer Cure Fight And Cure My Cancer?

Posted by writer on Sunday, October 23, 2011

possible use of alternative cancer drug that will get rid of the cancer cells are rarely spoken of in the doctor's office. This is because when the malignancy is identified in the body, doctors main focus is just to eradicate cancer or cancerous tissue as fast as was achieved by zapping the cells further and then cutting the growth of the body. Cancer treatment, including chemotherapy and radiation do not cure the underlying cause of the problem. This is the main reason why a lot of fighters cancer relapse and subsequently die. This is a key factor that separates alternative cancer therapies and conventional cancer treatments.

The fact remains, the number of people who are completely cured of cancer using alternative treatments. In fact, alternative cancer cures have been in existence for many years. Alternative treatments for cancer have gotten much more used these days, because patients and families are slowly and gradually starting to get frustrated with the healthcare industry. However, the drug solutions have been around for quite a long time.

people just do not trust doctors much as they once did. Hazardous substances and chemical compounds have a general rule, when referring to clinicians healing any illness. However, one should wonder, with so many advances in technology and hundreds of billions of dollars spent on cancer research, prescription drugs and innovative treatments each year, exactly why more people are dying of cancer now than at any time in history?

alternative cancer cures are dealing with cancer treatment using all natural treatments. Natural cures for cancer treatment of the whole body. Zapping Cancer Cells, and then remove the tumor can deliver short-term solution. As a large percentage of us are aware by now, the cancer will spread steadily in the body, unless the cause untreated. When the primary cause of the concerns of using alternative methods, the whole body can heal. Not only will the cancerous cells go, but a number of other conditions will go away too.

with the natural treatment of cancer, your doctor can see the breast cancer tumors serves as a signal that the total body out of balance. Natural treatments help the body system works well because it has been shown that cancer cells can not survive or thrive in the human body that is balanced and healthy.

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Resveratrol As a Cancer Cure Supplement - Unbelievable But True

Posted by writer on Saturday, October 22, 2011

the latest buzz in the supplement industry is having a debate against cancer resveratrol. There is a series of research papers on cancer inhibiting properties, and the results have been encouraging so far. Even the tests were only conducted on rats and mice, and it will take too long to apply to the human body, experts believe they can demonstrate a positive effect on various cancers, including prostate cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer and other cancers. This is an anti-oxidant properties of resveratrol, which has caught the eye of scientists.

Taking cue from the point mentioned above, it must be noted that anti-oxidants act as anti-cancer agents in more ways than one. First, they prevent any damage being done to DNA that would otherwise result in the formation of malignant tumor.Drugi reason is that if cancer cells have already formed then, anti-oxidants cause a chain reaction that ultimately causes cancerous cells to kill him. However, it is worth noting that all anti-oxidants do not work that way and produce the same rezultate.Činjenica that this compound is produced and the results to those topics of conversation in the world of medical health.

It should be borne in mind that when researchers conduct experiments, they use synthetic forms of the ingredients. Therefore, it is clear that if resveratrol has been developed as a cancer cure, it is likely to be synthesized to costs. It is, in fact, the first natural medicinal supplements provide strong evidence to show that the blocks or stops several stages of cancer. It is also proposed as a potential cure for cancer.

classified as a polyphenol because of its chemical structure, resveratrol clearly, broad-spectrum agent that stops cancer, blocks estrogen and androgen, and even modulates gena.Najnovije findings suggest that abnormal attack him without causing any damage to benign ones . His ability to prevent cancer or clearly linked to its ability to distinguish benign from malignant cells themselves.

the ability of resveratrol supplements to increase chemotherapy have not gone unnoticed, as it increases the therapeutic effects of vitamin D, which in turn, is converted into a steroid that suppresses the growth of breast cancer cells. Other studies have shown that it is resistant non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancer cells become sensitive to chemotherapeutic drugs such as Gemcetabine, Navelbine, neuropathy, paclitaxel, and the trial.

Austrian scientists showed that resveratrol blocks the cancer cells from metastasizing to bone. It is worth noting that most results are produced in cases of pancreatic, breast and kidney cancer. Reports have also shown that anti-linoleic acid which is converted into arachidonic and again, that hormone-like substances (such as prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene B4) that promote inflammatory processes that stimulate cancer cell growth.

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The One Minute Cure For Cancer Review - Guide To The Natural And The Most Effective Cure For Cancer

Posted by writer on Friday, October 21, 2011

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You may have heard of this one-minute cure for cancer, but do not fully understand the truth behind this cancer cure. This guide will give you insight into ideas about how to deal with cancer cells and kill the disease using this one-minute cure. There are many measures and methods of treatment available for cancer control, but none has been truly effective in combating the problem.

Some say that it is a cancer cure is just a scam, but this treatment has greatly helped my father was suffering from pneumonia, and my step mother is suffering from colon crijeva.Evo question-answer-type conductors One Minute Cure that will help you understand and apply the cheapest cure for cancer.

1 How One Minute Cure System Work?

This drug can be administered at home with just one minute a day. According to the twice Nobel laureate physician, the primary physical cause of all diseases are associated in one way or another to oxygen deficiency - and when the human body is supplied with abundant amounts of oxygen and what this treatment is not all cancer cells, viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins , pathogens and disease microorganisms are killed because they can not survive in a highly oxygenated environment. This makes increasing oxygen and hemoglobin disassociation, thus increasing the delivery of oxygen from blood to cells.

2 Why the disease cells to die when one-minute cure is taken?

found that disease-causing cells, microorganisms and pathogens can not survive in a highly oxygenated environment for anaerobic nature, this drug is able to kill disease cells flood the tissues and cells with enough oxygen.

3 Has this method been proven scientifically?

More than 6100 articles in European scientific literature have attested to this simple treatment and the estimated 15,000 European doctors, naturopaths and homeopaths were administered to more than 10 million patients in 70 years to successfully treat virtually all known diseases.

4 Another tip for using this method to cure cancer

Since cancer cells build up a lot of lactic acid in the body, resulting in fatigue, people should also do activities such as relaxation, yoga, exercise and massage therapy to cure cancer naturally.

For more information about this One Minute Cure for Cancer and all diseases, please follow the link below and watch the 5-minute video presentation of your final grade:

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Finding an Alternative Cancer Cure

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 19, 2011

alternative therapies for cancer have been used successfully worldwide for decades. Some of these medications as far as back as the 1920s. Unfortunately, they were mostly ignored by traditional medicine. Read on to learn more about finding alternative cancer cure, and that natural methods are used right now around the world in the fight against cancer.

if natural solutions exist, why do not we hear more about these alternative cancer treatments? You do not hear a lot about natural therapies for cancer, but it's not because they do not exist.

Even in our progressive society, our medical schools teach only traditional methods for treating cancer which can be very profitable for pharmaceutical companies, but incredibly ineffective for patients who rely on them. Worse yet, doctors are discouraged from recommending these treatments, even if they do not believe in them, for fear of lawsuits and government agencies.

It is only recently, with the help of a web of people around the world began to share the success that was achieved with natural treatments for cancer. We are fortunate to live in a time when raising public awareness about cancer and raising awareness about alternative treatments that exist for this disease.

There are many different non-traditional remedies that are practiced. Some of them are specific to the type of cancer that treatment, while others (such as oxygen treatments) are general in nature and effective against many forms of disease.

Most falls in one of these types:

and Pharmcologic biological therapies

Examples of these therapies are Revič, Gaston Naessens and Hydrazine Sulfate.

Immune Therapy

Immune Therapy to work on the belief that cancer is a sign of seriously deficient immune system and that this lack of correction of the body can remain cancer free. IAT (Immuno-augmentative therapy) is one of these types of treatments.

herbal therapy

The use of herbs in alternative healing is very common. Some herbs used in treating cancer are mistletoe, Chaparral and Essiac tea.

Dietary therapy

macrobiotics and nutritional therapies that stress the all-natural diet are in this category.

adjunctive therapy

Examples of adjunctive therapy for cancer treatment includes oxygen therapy and live cell therapy

Energy Therapy

These therapies are related to the use of bodies of power in the fight against cancer. Examples of energy therapy, Chinese medicine, homeopathy and ayurveda.

Spiritual Therapy

Spiritual therapy vary widely depending on the culture, but the mind-body approach to healing from cancer fall into this category.

for those looking for alternative cancer cures, the Web has a wealth of information and links to others who are involved in drug research. Many times, patients will be explored in both traditional and alternative treatments together, so no need to choose one in favor of drugih.Važno to find a way to successfully treat cancer and give hope to many who suffer from this disease.

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Read On To Discover The Alkaline Cancer Cure Few People Know About!

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How alkaline foods to cure cancer

Alkaline cancer drug treatments exist. Established medical science worldwide discounts of treatment for no reason. However, many studies and treatments are performed by doctors and researchers who suggest that changes the pH balance in the human body makes it much more resistant to cancer and disease.

If the drug does not exist, why not use it?

the war on cancer in the United States began in the year 1971, the medical plan of the battle front by then President Richard Nixon. Since then a large amount of funds, annual funding rose to $ 4.8 billion, and the cancer has not yet been eradicated from mankind. There are many promising treatments with different efficacy. However, the only treatments most doctors are willing to recommend to the harsh and expensive. These treatments involve invasive surgery, chemical therapy, and all kinds of radiation.

is true that changes the pH balance of the body takes time, but it is simply izvesti.Jake dietary shift to alkaline-based foods, and possible treatments are applied directly to the sodium bicarbonate cancerous parts of the body will drastically increase the body's pH level in the short order and quickly kill cancer cells without harming the healthy surrounding tissue. Sodium bicarbonate injection, and food sources are very inexpensive and effective alkaline cure cancer. It's hard to admit, but a lot of money goes to research invasive medicines and medical many companies refuse to support a concept that does not involve expensive treatments. Other companies and researchers of the page to lack of evidence that pH changes can be made or to work in the human body. Unfortunately, most of the private financing of research comes from the company sources. There is little money selling the alkaline diet cancer drugs pharmaceutical companies.

As alkaline cancer drug work?

The pH scale is a measure of how acidic substances. This scale ranges from 0-14 years. The higher the number the less acidic, with 7 as the base. Cancer seems to grow more slowly in an acidic environment due to acid actually destroys part of the cell structure. However, it will continue to grow at this pH status. Furthermore, the body comes close to pH 7.4, cancer can grow faster with respect to balancing body pH levels. The body is usually designed to work in a slightly alkaline condition at approximately 7.4 to pH scale. It is vital that the body pH above 7.4 as soon as possible when treatment begins.

After the body pH balance status of the pH reaches rated at more than 7.4 cancer cells are noted to go dormant. At pH of 8.5 cancer cells usually die while healthy cells in this area will be largely nepromijenjeni.Stanice cancer will die countless number of factors, including increased oxygen flow in the area, and removal of toxic substances such as acidic lactic acid.

To obtain such a high pH value?

There are two basic methods of treating cancer using alkaline in the body. One method is by taking alkaline based foods, like lemons, carrots, and many other fruits and vegetables, while avoiding acidic foods such as meat and white flour. Another way is to pass the alkaline treatment or to take sodium bicarbonate on a frequent basis.

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