Resveratrol As a Cancer Cure Supplement - Unbelievable But True

Posted by writer on Saturday, October 22, 2011

the latest buzz in the supplement industry is having a debate against cancer resveratrol. There is a series of research papers on cancer inhibiting properties, and the results have been encouraging so far. Even the tests were only conducted on rats and mice, and it will take too long to apply to the human body, experts believe they can demonstrate a positive effect on various cancers, including prostate cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer and other cancers. This is an anti-oxidant properties of resveratrol, which has caught the eye of scientists.

Taking cue from the point mentioned above, it must be noted that anti-oxidants act as anti-cancer agents in more ways than one. First, they prevent any damage being done to DNA that would otherwise result in the formation of malignant tumor.Drugi reason is that if cancer cells have already formed then, anti-oxidants cause a chain reaction that ultimately causes cancerous cells to kill him. However, it is worth noting that all anti-oxidants do not work that way and produce the same rezultate.Činjenica that this compound is produced and the results to those topics of conversation in the world of medical health.

It should be borne in mind that when researchers conduct experiments, they use synthetic forms of the ingredients. Therefore, it is clear that if resveratrol has been developed as a cancer cure, it is likely to be synthesized to costs. It is, in fact, the first natural medicinal supplements provide strong evidence to show that the blocks or stops several stages of cancer. It is also proposed as a potential cure for cancer.

classified as a polyphenol because of its chemical structure, resveratrol clearly, broad-spectrum agent that stops cancer, blocks estrogen and androgen, and even modulates gena.Najnovije findings suggest that abnormal attack him without causing any damage to benign ones . His ability to prevent cancer or clearly linked to its ability to distinguish benign from malignant cells themselves.

the ability of resveratrol supplements to increase chemotherapy have not gone unnoticed, as it increases the therapeutic effects of vitamin D, which in turn, is converted into a steroid that suppresses the growth of breast cancer cells. Other studies have shown that it is resistant non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancer cells become sensitive to chemotherapeutic drugs such as Gemcetabine, Navelbine, neuropathy, paclitaxel, and the trial.

Austrian scientists showed that resveratrol blocks the cancer cells from metastasizing to bone. It is worth noting that most results are produced in cases of pancreatic, breast and kidney cancer. Reports have also shown that anti-linoleic acid which is converted into arachidonic and again, that hormone-like substances (such as prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene B4) that promote inflammatory processes that stimulate cancer cell growth.

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