Finding an Alternative Cancer Cure

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 19, 2011

alternative therapies for cancer have been used successfully worldwide for decades. Some of these medications as far as back as the 1920s. Unfortunately, they were mostly ignored by traditional medicine. Read on to learn more about finding alternative cancer cure, and that natural methods are used right now around the world in the fight against cancer.

if natural solutions exist, why do not we hear more about these alternative cancer treatments? You do not hear a lot about natural therapies for cancer, but it's not because they do not exist.

Even in our progressive society, our medical schools teach only traditional methods for treating cancer which can be very profitable for pharmaceutical companies, but incredibly ineffective for patients who rely on them. Worse yet, doctors are discouraged from recommending these treatments, even if they do not believe in them, for fear of lawsuits and government agencies.

It is only recently, with the help of a web of people around the world began to share the success that was achieved with natural treatments for cancer. We are fortunate to live in a time when raising public awareness about cancer and raising awareness about alternative treatments that exist for this disease.

There are many different non-traditional remedies that are practiced. Some of them are specific to the type of cancer that treatment, while others (such as oxygen treatments) are general in nature and effective against many forms of disease.

Most falls in one of these types:

and Pharmcologic biological therapies

Examples of these therapies are Revič, Gaston Naessens and Hydrazine Sulfate.

Immune Therapy

Immune Therapy to work on the belief that cancer is a sign of seriously deficient immune system and that this lack of correction of the body can remain cancer free. IAT (Immuno-augmentative therapy) is one of these types of treatments.

herbal therapy

The use of herbs in alternative healing is very common. Some herbs used in treating cancer are mistletoe, Chaparral and Essiac tea.

Dietary therapy

macrobiotics and nutritional therapies that stress the all-natural diet are in this category.

adjunctive therapy

Examples of adjunctive therapy for cancer treatment includes oxygen therapy and live cell therapy

Energy Therapy

These therapies are related to the use of bodies of power in the fight against cancer. Examples of energy therapy, Chinese medicine, homeopathy and ayurveda.

Spiritual Therapy

Spiritual therapy vary widely depending on the culture, but the mind-body approach to healing from cancer fall into this category.

for those looking for alternative cancer cures, the Web has a wealth of information and links to others who are involved in drug research. Many times, patients will be explored in both traditional and alternative treatments together, so no need to choose one in favor of drugih.Važno to find a way to successfully treat cancer and give hope to many who suffer from this disease.

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