Natural Cancer Cures - An Alternative to Modern Medicine

Posted by writer on Monday, October 10, 2011

It's hard to believe that with all the advances in technology we have today in our modern world that modern medicine has not us so miserably when it comes to treating life-threatening diseases like cancer. Every year, millions of dollars are poured into research to develop cures by the government, private institutions and drug companies, with little if any results. Humans as a species have won gravity and flew to the moon, yet we can not stop the explosive growth of the deadly disease here on Earth. It just goes to show how fundamentally flawed our modern medical system when it comes to making new advances in medicine.

Fortunately, while modern medicine has failed us on many fronts, holistic medicine has made great progress not only in treatment, but treatment of many deadly diseases like cancer. Every day people are getting a new lease of life thanks to the natural cancer cures, not modern medicine. If it makes you wonder that we have gotten too smart for his own good and should be returned to its roots, you are not alone! Modern medicine, backed by billions of billions of dollars of research can not offer cures for cancer, yet natural, holistic remedies can.

If you're skeptical, that's fine. Just do a little research online about natural cancer cures, and you'll soon realize how normal, everyday people have been restored to health through holistic medicine after the modern medical establishment has given up on them, said there was no hope zalijek and that they should start planning on how how to spend their last remaining days or weeks or months on Earth.

Natural Treatments

Holistic medicine is directly responsible for the treatment of tens of thousands of people with cancer, one of the deadliest diseases that we as humans face today. Not only that, but they were cured in a relatively short period of time, which is crucial given how quickly the cancer may spread. These remarkable cures were achieved thanks to several different natural therapies, and may include adding the following treatments to their protocol:

    juicing (especially lettuce) High intake of spirulina and other superfoods (in powder form) High doses of aged garlic extract High-dose systemic proteolytic enzymes whole food multi-vitamin supplements (organic compounds only) Coffee enemas Colonhydrotherapy supplementation with magnesium and iodine

Four Deadly foods to avoid

One of the key elements of the natural cures cancer is to eliminate the number of foods that are known to stimulate the growth of tumor cells. Not only do these foods have no nutritional value, but are toxic to your health as well, especially if you are suffering from cancer:

    Dairy products Sugar white flour processed oils (eg edible oils)

Many holistic medicine clinics have implemented these approaches and others in their natural treatment plan. Any individuals who suffer from terminal illnesses like cancer will most likely find yourself heal within 2-4 weeks, assuming that a healthy, positive attitude and faithful to their treatment, which includes natural remedies that must be taken in the right dose at the right time for maximum effect.

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