Breast, Lung and Prostate Cancer Treatment

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Last month was breast cancer awareness month. This month, the suggested age limit for screening mammography has increased 40 to 50 Thus, breast cancer is on everyone's minds. According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 15% of all women will get breast cancer.

Lung cancer is, however, is still twice as prevalent as breast cancer, caused about 28% of the population, while prostate cancer and colon cancer will be any impact on almost 9% of the population. With all the money that is wasted in researching cancer treatments, why we are not closer to a cure?

Let's start asking the right pitanja.Pitanje should not be how to treat cancer or lung cancer dojke.Pitanje should be to prevent disease.

has suggested that it is really only one disease - malfunctioning cells. Of lung cancer and breast cancer risk for H1N1 and colds, it's all about the body's ability or inability to heal.

Obviously, the more damage the body suffers (smoking, pollution, fast food, etc.), it will be difficult for the body to be repaired. Just keep in mind that only the body heals. No treatment in the world actually treats the disease. Medications and procedures only treat simptome.Jedini system that actually cures the disease is your body's immune system.

Thus, the focus should be on treatment or surgical zahvati.Pozornost should focus on building the strongest immune system is possible and that is very basic. You've heard it all my life. Diet and exercise are the keys to a healthy immune system.

a proper diet will provide your body with the nutrients needed to fuel your cells, enabling them to function properly. Exercise will boost your immune system and flush toxins that disrupt proper cellular function.

One thing I have not heard all your life that you need to get over Sun in fact, you've probably heard just the opposite. For years, the message is to stay out of midday sun and wear sunscreen. Well, that advice may be one reason cancer is so prevalent, not only skin cancer but all types of cancer.

One of the most important vitamins your body needs to stay healthy is Vitamin D. Your body only produces vitamin D when the sun is out and it should be nedPrije middle of the day or later in the day, a higher percentage of harmful UVA rays in order to useful vitamin D producing UVB rays.

To make matters worse, a sunscreen that absorbs into the skin, except for blocking UVB rays, has been shown to produce free radicals - the very thing that was supposed to prevent


How important is vitamin D? Recent studies show that vitamin D reduces the risk of all cancers and all disease in general across the board. Intravenous therapy with vitamin D has even been shown to help the body in recovering from the worst medical conditions, including the later stages of cancer and lung damage associated with the virus H1N1, after all other treatments have not.

the lack of sunshine (vitamin D production) is also the reason why colds and flu viruses attack the body zimi.Prosječna only takes about 10 minutes of sunshine three times weekly to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D, depending on the color and the existing level of vitamin D in serum. Unfortunately, most people do not get enough sunlight and are vitamin D deficient.

So, do not be overly concerned about contracting breast cancer, the H1N1 virus or any specific disease. There is basically only one. Instead, be very concerned with building a healthy immune system. You only have one and it is the only system that can cure the disease.

focus on the basics and you'll live longer, healthier and happier life. It's never too early or too late to start on a proper diet, exercise and sun exposure regime.

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

Udaypal said...

The way you have written about this blog is awesome and very topic oriented and we are now facing the hazadious effect of lung cancer and so immediate treatment is necessary. i am really impressed on this post.

Lung cancer treatment

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